Buildout is a tool used to make site configuration repeatable and automatic. It will download and configure software for you.
- Introduction
- Packages, products and eggs
- Prerequisites
- Creating a buildout for your project
- Understanding buildout.cfg
- Creating a buildout defaults file
- Installing a third party product
- Creating a new package
- A deployment configuration
- Useful buildout recipes
- Installing products from Subversion
- Converting single process Zope instance to ZEO cluster buildout.cfg
Additional information
- Recipes
- Making buildout faster
- Buildout folder structure
- Running buildout on Windows
- Running buildout behind a proxy
- Buildout cache folder
- Manually picking downloaded and active component versions
- Migrating buildout to a different Python interpreter
Setting up a Plone site from
- Configuring plone products from buildout
- Extending buildout section
- Overriding parts variables from command line
- Troubleshooting