A deployment configuration


How to use buildout for deployment configuration

Finally, let's take a look at a more advanced configuration, better suited for deployment. Save this file as deployment.cfg, at the root of the buildout next to the main buildout.cfg file:

extends =

parts +=

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver
zope2-location = ${instance:zope2-location}
zeo-address = ${instance:zeo-address}

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zope2-location = ${zope2:location}
zeo-client = true
zeo-address = 8100
zodb-cache-size = 5000
zeo-client-cache-size = 300MB
debug-mode = off
verbose-security = off
eggs += Products.CacheSetup

recipe = collective.recipe.zope2cluster
instance-clone = instance
http-address = 8081
debug-mode = on
verbose-security = on

recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
url = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/varnish/varnish-2.0.2.tar.gz

recipe = plone.recipe.varnish
daemon = ${buildout:parts-directory}/varnish-build/sbin/varnishd
bind =
backends =
cache-size = 1G

Here, we are:

By combining buildout configuration files like this, you can create tailor-made configurations for different deployment scenarios. To learn more about the advanced features of buildout, see its documentation.

To build this environment, you must explicitly specify a configuration file:

$ ./bin/buildout -c deployment.cfg

To start Zope and Plone, you will need to start the ZEO server, the instance and the Varnish server:

$ ./bin/zeoserver start
$ ./bin/instance start
$ ./bin/varnish-instance

If you need to bring up an instance for debugging then you can start up the debug-instance in foreground mode.

$ ./bin/debug-instance fg

The recipes will also create scripts to back up the ZODB filestorage (in ./bin/repozo) and to pack the database (in .*/bin/zeopack*).

Further options

zc.buildout is a very flexible system. It is relatively easy to create new recipes, and you can combine existing recipes in powerful ways. Search the Cheese Shop for "buildout" to find more recipes, or take a look at the source code for some of Plone's own recipes to understand how recipes are created.