Creating forms without programming: PloneFormGen¶
PloneFormGen allows you to build and maintain convenience forms through Plone edit interface.
PloneFormGen is a Plone add-on Product that provides a generic Plone form generator using fields, widgets and validators from Archetypes. Use it to build simple, one-of-a-kind, web forms that save or mail form input.
To build a web form, create a form folder, then add form fields as contents. Individual fields can display and validate themselves for testing purposes. The form folder creates a form from all the contained field content objects.
Final disposition of form input is handled via plug-in action products. Action adapters included with this release include a mailer, a save-data adapter that saves input in tab-separated format for later download, and a custom-script adapter that makes it possible to script simple actions without recourse to the Zope Management Interface.
To make it easy to get started, newly created form folders are pre-populated to act as a simple e-mail response form.
Getting started with PloneFormGen¶
PloneFormGen topics¶
- Installing PloneFormGen
- Overriding field defaults dynamically
- Creating custom validators
- Using a selection field to pick mail destination
- Restyle a form
- Adding a JavaScript event handler to a form
- Customizing an individual thanks page
- What's in a Request
- Creating a Multi-Page Form
- Adding CAPTCHA Support
- Frequently Asked Questions