

How to install ArchGenXML and get up and running.


ArchGenXML has a dependency on some Zope 3 eggs. To avoid messing up your global site-packages directory, using buildout or virtualenv is recommended.


In an older version of AGX, a Zope 3 installation could be configured in a ~/.agx_zope_path file. This case is not supported anymore. You can delete this file if you have it.

On Windows, I assume that you installed Python 2.4.4 using the msi installer installer, and that you installed it in the default location. If you have not already done so, configure the Path environment variable to include your python path and scripts directory. For this, go to Control Panel, Advanced, Environment Variables, edit Path, and append ;C:\\Python24;C:\\Python24\Scripts to the existing string.

Installing stable version


Adding the ArchGenXML egg to a Plone buildout is not supported! The Plone 3.x buildout is shipped with an old Zope 3.3. ArchGenXML depends on the latest version of Zope 3 eggs. So please create a buildout only for ArchGenXML like described below.

If you want to install archgenxml via buildout (recommended), read Using buildout and skip the Using easy_install in a virtualenv part.

It can happen that the ArchGenXML version on is older than PyPI because the release manager forgot to upload it on or for another reason. easy_install and buildout will get the latest ArchGenXML version from PyPI by default, so it's fine.

Using buildout

Create a fresh directory and go into it:

$ mkdir archgenxml_buildout
$ cd archgenxml_buildout

Download the normal and put it in this directory. You can copy an existing file of one of your buildout, it's the same file.

Then create a buildout.cfg file in this directory with the following snippet:

parts =

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = archgenxml


Is ini the appropriate lexer here?

Finally bootstrap the buildout and run it:

$ python
$ ./bin/buildout

On Windows, it's bin\buildout; you have to replace '/' by '' in all following examples.

The archgenxml command is now available as ./bin/archgenxml.

To update ArchGenXML later, go in your directory and run buildout again:

$ ./bin/buildout

It will download latest version of ArchGenXML and all its dependencies.

In the following, I refer to the <path to archgenxml> as the archgenxml_buildout directory.

Using easy_install in a virtualenv

If you don't want to use buildout, you can use virtualenv to create an isolated environment. You have to install the setuptools egg in order to have the easy_install command available. On Ubuntu you can do it with apt-get install python-setuptools. On Windows, go to the setuptools pypi page, download the exe which matches the Python version you are using, and execute it to install it.

Install virtualenv with easy_install:

$ easy_install virtualenv

On Windows, easy_install.exe is in C:\Python24\Scripts, so you have to invoke it with the full path if you haven't added this directory to your PATH.

Create the virtualenv with the --no-site-packages option to ignore globally-installed packages:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages agx
$ cd agx/
$ source bin/activate
$ easy_install archgenxml

Every time you want use ArchGenXML, you have to go in the agx directory and type source bin/activate to activate the environment. To deactivate the environment, type deactivate.

To update ArchGenXML, you have to update each egg. The most important ones are archgenxml and xmiparser:

$ easy_install -U archgenxml
$ easy_install -U xmiparser

If you have a problem with ArchGenXML, please be sure to recreate the virtualenv completely so you have the latest versions of all eggs before asking on the archetypes-users mailing-list.

I call below <path to archgenxml> the path to the virtualenv agx directory.

Installing the development version

ArchGenXML's svn trunk is for the 2.x development version.

As usual, the goal is to keep trunk workable. Some of the developers work and develop on the edge: trunk.

If you need stability, use the latest release.

The only supported way to use the ArchGenXML trunk is with buildout. You install it like this:

$ svn co archgenxml_buildout
$ cd archgenxml_buildout
$ python
$ bin/buildout

To update your buildout:

$ cd archgenxml_buildout
$ svn up
$ bin/buildout

If you are interested in AGX 3 development, see

I call below <path to archgenxml> the archgenxml_buildout directory.

Get the ArchGenXML profile

The archgenxml_profile.xmi file contains information about stereotypes, fields, and other stuff that AGX needs to generate valid Python code from your model. You can get the profile from subversion.

Or you can regenerate it with <path to archgenxml>/bin/agx_argouml_profile. An archgenxml_profile.xmi file is generated in the current directory.

Create a <path to archgenxml>/profiles directory and put the file here.

Note: In an older version of AGX, this file was called argouml_profile.xmi. You should not use it with ArgoUML > 0.24.


On Windows, you may have to install and configure the mingw32 compiler to compile the zope.proxy egg, an indirect dependency of ArchGenXML. Now zope.proxy eggs are built for Windows, so you should not have this problem anymore.


For any questions or problems, please ask on the archetypes-users mailing-list. Please don't use comments on the manual pages. Not everybody is alerted when a comment is added.

If you want to contribute to this documentation, please post on the plone-docs mailing-list.