Where to find what you need¶
How configuration works through the web and how to track down files on the file system.
Through the Web¶
There are a number of different routes to configure your site through the web. The Elements section of this manual should give you pointers on where to look to configure particular page elements. In general
- Site Setup leads you to configlets for the site settings
- Site Setup > Zope Management Interface will lead you to the style sheet and JavaScript registry (portal_css and portal_javascripts)
- Adding /@@viewlet_manager to a URL will enable you to order viewlets
Plone Default Configuration on the File System¶
You will find most of the configuration files you need in:
- [your products location]/CMFPlone/profiles/default
However, be aware that some configuration files may be located in third-party products. For instance, if you want to add some styles to the visual editor, Kupu, as part of your theme, then you will need kupu.xml which you'll find in [your products location]/kupu/plone/profiles/default.
There's an alternative to hunting around the file system, and that's to use the Generic Setup Tool to export the profile.
In your own Theme Product¶
- This directory holds the XML for Generic Setup. The plone3_theme paster template will have provided you with some ready-made files - for setting up your skin layers, registering your style sheets and JavaScript, and ordering your viewlets.
- /profiles/default/import_steps.xml
- Is an essential file for installation, you shouldn't need to change this.
- /profiles/default/cssregistry.xml | jssregistry.xml
- will register any style sheets and JavaScript in your skin. You will have to edit these yourself if you have any css or Javascript files to add.
- /profiles/default/skins.xml
- Will drop your skin layers into the right order of precedence. You won't need to change this unless you've renamed, removed, or added directories in the skins directory of your theme egg.
- /profiles/default/viewlets.xml
- will determine in what order viewlets appear in viewlet managers. You will need to edit this yourself if you want to add your own viewlets.
- /profiles.zcml
- When your Zope instance starts up, this file makes the profile available for Generic Setup to use.