Basic integration tests¶
No product is complete without tests.
To build high-quality software, you must provide automatic tests - often known as “unit” tests (though tests for Archetypes products tend to be “integration” tests, strictly speaking).
The tutorial on testing and test-driven development is essential reading if you want to write high-quality software (and you don’t know the techniques it advocates already). Please refer to it for details.
The example.archetype product contains basic tests that prove that the product is properly installed, that it registers its types, and that an InstantMessage object can actually be instantiated. If it contained more functionality, there would have been more tests, but even simple integration tests like this can be surprisingly useful - if you accidentally broke the content type with some change, you’d notice that it failed to install or instantiate.
The tests are in the “tests” directory. The file “” contains some base classes that are used for tests, to ensure the site is properly set up:
import unittest
from zope.testing import doctestunit
from zope.component import testing
from Testing import ZopeTestCase as ztc
from Products.Five import zcml
from Products.Five import fiveconfigure
from Products.PloneTestCase import PloneTestCase as ptc
from Products.PloneTestCase.layer import PloneSite
from Products.PloneTestCase.layer import onsetup
def setup_product():
"""Set up the package and its dependencies.
The @onsetup decorator causes the execution of this body to be deferred
until the setup of the Plone site testing layer. We could have created our
own layer, but this is the easiest way for Plone integration tests.
fiveconfigure.debug_mode = True
import example.archetype
zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', example.archetype)
fiveconfigure.debug_mode = False
class InstantMessageTestCase(ptc.PloneTestCase):
"""Base class for integration tests.
This may provide specific set-up and tear-down operations, or provide
convenience methods.
The actual tests are in “”:
from base import InstantMessageTestCase
from example.archetype.interfaces import IInstantMessage
class TestProductInstall(InstantMessageTestCase):
def afterSetUp(self):
self.types = ('InstantMessage',)
def testTypesInstalled(self):
for t in self.types:
self.assertIn(t, self.portal.portal_types.objectIds(),
'%s content type not installed' % t)
def testPortalFactoryEnabled(self):
for t in self.types:
self.assertIn(t, self.portal.portal_factory.getFactoryTypes().keys(),
'%s content type not installed' % t)
class TestInstantiation(InstantMessageTestCase):
def afterSetUp(self):
# Adding an InstantMessage anywhere - can only be done by a Manager or Portal Owner
self.portal.invokeFactory('InstantMessage', 'im1')
def testCreateInstantMessage(self):
self.assertIn('im1', self.portal.objectIds())
def testInstantMessageInterface(self):
im = self.portal.im1
def test_suite():
from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite
suite = TestSuite()
return suite
To run these tests within your buildout environment:
./bin/instance test -s example.archetype
You may see output like:
Ran 4 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.119 seconds.
If there was an error with one or more of the tests, you’d be told here!
Please refer to the testing tutorial for more about writing tests - and writing good tests - and how to run them.