
WebDAV is a protocol to manage your site directly from MS Windows Explorer and such. Plone supports WebDAV without add-ons.


WebDAV is enabled by default. A Zope server listening on port 8080 will also accept WebDAV traffic on that port. For common cases, client-side tools should work reasonably well. (http://plone.293351.n2.nabble.com/webdav-status-td7570063.html) (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9127269/how-can-i-stop-people-accessing-a-plone-server-via-webdav)

Enabling WebDAV on an extra port in Zope

Modify your buildout configuration's client setup to add a webdav address:

Short buildout.cfg example:

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance

Alternative buildout.cfg configuration snippet which might be needed for some WebDAV clients:

zope-conf-additional =
    enable-ms-author-via on
    force-connection-close off

These snippets will be in the generated parts/instance/etc/zope.conf after buildout has been re-run.

This will enable the WebDAV server on http://www.mydomain.com:1980/. Note that you cannot use this URL in your web browser, just in WebDAV clients. Using the web browser will give you an error message AttributeError: manage_FTPget. You could also just run the WebDAV server on localhost with address 1980, forcing you to either use a WebDAV client locally or proxy WebDAV through Apache.

Disabling WebDAV

You can't disable WebDAV in Plone itself, it's tightly integrated in Zope. You could take away the "Access WebDAV" permission from everyone, but the Zope server will still answer each request.

What you can do: Make your web server filter out the WebDAV commands. This will stop WebDAV requests from reaching your Zope server.


For nginx, this is done by adding:

dav_methods off

to the server block in your nginx.conf. (http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpDavModule)

If you do not use the HttpDavModule, you can add:

limit_except GET POST {
  deny   all;

to the location block.


For Apache, you can use the limit statement, see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html#limit

WebDAV notes

WebDAV uses a number of HTTP verbs to perform different operations. The following notes describe how they are implemented in Zope 2 and Dexterity.


Basic WebDAV support can be found in the webdav package. This defines two base classes, webdav.Resource.Resource and webdav.Collection.Collection. Collection extends Resource. These are mixed into item and container content objects, respectively.

The webdav package also defines the NullResource object. A NullResource is a kind of placeholder, which supports the HTTP verbs HEAD, PUT, and MKCOL.

Containers based on ObjectManager (including those in Dexterity) will return a NullResource if they cannot find the requested object and the request is a WebDAV request.

The zope.filerepresentation package defines a number of interfaces which are intended to help manage file representations of content objects. Dexterity uses these interfaces to allow the exact file read and write operations to be overridden without subclassing.


A GET request retrieves headers and body.

Zope calls manage_DAVget() to retrieve the body. The default implementation calls manage_FTPget().

In Dexterity, manage_FTPget() adapts self to IRawReadFile and uses its mimeType and encoding properties to set the Content-Type header, and its size() method to set Content-Length.

If the IRawReadFile adapter is also an IStreamIterator, it will be returned for the publisher to consume directly. This provides for efficient serving of large files, although it does require that the file can be read in its entirety with the ZODB connection closed. Dexterity solves this problem by writing the file content to a temporary file on the server.

If the IRawReadFile adapter is not a stream iterator, its contents are returned as a string, by calling its read() method. Note that this loads the entire file contents into memory on the server.

The default IRawReadFile implementation for Dexterity content returns an RFC 2822 style message document. Most fields on the object and any enabled behaviours will be turned into UTF-8 encoded headers. The primary field, if any, will be returned in the body, also most likely encoded as an UTF-8 encoded string. Binary data may be base64 encoded instead.

A type which wishes to override this behaviour can provide its own adapter. For example, an image type could return the raw image data.


A PUT request reads the body of a request and uses it to update a resource that already exists, or to create a new object.

By default Resource.PUT() fails with 405 Method Not Allowed. That is, it is not by default possible to PUT to a resource that already exists. The same is true of Collection.PUT().

In Dexterity, the PUT() method is overridden to adapt self to zope.filerepresentation.IRawWriteFile, and call its write() method one or more times, writing the contents of the request body, before calling close(). The mimeType and encoding properties will also be set based on the value of the Content-Type header, if available.

The default implementation of IRawWriteFile for Dexterity objects assumes the input is an RFC 2822 style message document. It will read header values and use them to set fields on the object or in behaviours, and similarly read the body and update the corresponding primary field.

NullResource.PUT() is responsible for creating a new content object and initialising it (recall that a NullResource may be returned if a WebDAV request attempts to traverse to an object which does not exist). It sniffs the content type and body from the request, and then looks for the PUT_factory() method on the parent folder.

In Dexterity, PUT_factory() is implemented to look up an IFileFactory adapter on self and use it to create the empty file. The default implementation will use the content_type_registry tool to determine a type name for the request (e.g. based on its extension or MIME type), and then construct an instance of that type.

Once an instance has been constructed, the object will be initialised by calling its PUT() method, as above.

Note that when content is created via WebDAV, an IObjectCreatedEvent will be fired from the IFileFactory adapter, just after the object has been constructed. At this point, none of its values will be set. Subsequently, at the end of the PUT() method, an IObjectModifiedEvent will be fired. This differs from the event sequence of an object created through the web. Here, only an IObjectCreatedEvent is fired, and only after the object has been fully initialised.


A DELETE request instructs the WebDAV server to delete a resource.

Resource.DELETE() calls manage_delObjects() on the parent folder to delete an object.

Collection.DELETE() does the same, but checks for write locks of all children of the collection, recursively, before allowing the delete.


A PROPFIND request returns all or a set of WebDAV properties. WebDAV properties are metadata used to describe an object, such as the last modified time or the author.

Resource.PROPFIND() parses the request and then looks for a propertysheets attribute on self.

If an allprop request is received, it calls dav__allprop(), if available, on each property sheet. This method returns a list of name/value pairs in the correct WebDAV XML encoding, plus a status.

If a propnames request is received, it calls dav__propnames(), if available, on each property sheet. This method returns a list of property names in the correct WebDAV XML encoding, plus a status.

If a propstat request is received, it calls dav__propstats(), if available, on each property sheet, for each requested property. This method returns a property name/value pair in the correct WebDAV XML encoding, plus a status.

The PropertyManager mixin class defines the propertysheets variable to be an instance of DefaultPropertySheets. This in turn has two property sheets, default, a DefaultProperties instance, and webdav, a DAVProperties instance.

The DefaultProperties instance contains the main property sheet. This typically has a title property, for example.

DAVProperties will provides various core WebDAV properties. It defines a number of read-only properties: creationdate, displayname, resourcetype, getcontenttype, getcontentlength, source, supportedlock, and lockdiscovery. These in turn are delegated to methods prefixed with dav__, so e.g. reading the creationdate property calls dav__creationdate() on the property sheet instance. These methods in turn return values based on the property manager instance (i.e. the content object). In particular:

returns a fixed date (January 1st, 1970).
returns the value of the title_or_id() method
returns an empty string or <n:collection/>
returns the ZODB modification time
delegates to the content_type() method, falling back on the default_content_type() method. In Dexterity, content_type() is implemented to look up the IRawReadFile adapter on the context and return the value of its mimeType property.
delegates to the get_size() method (which is also used for the "size" column in Plone folder listings). In Dexterity, this looks up a zope.size.interfaces.ISized adapter on the object and calls sizeForSorting(). If this returns a unit of 'bytes', the value portion is used. Otherwise, a size of 0 is returned.
returns a link to /document_src, if that attribute exists
indicates whether IWriteLock is supported by the content item
returns information about any active locks

Other properties in this and any other property sheets are returned as stored when requested.

If the PROPFIND request specifies a depth of 1 or infinity (i.e. the client wants properties for items in a collection), the process is repeated for all items returned by the listDAVObjects() methods, which by default returns all contained items via the objectValues() method.


A PROPPATCH request is used to update the properties on an existing object.

Resource.PROPPATCH() deals with the same types of properties from property sheets as PROPFIND(). It uses the PropertySheet API to add or update properties as appropriate.


A MKCOL request is used to create a new collection resource, i.e. create a new folder.

Resource.MKCOL() raises 405 Method Not Allowed, because the resource already exists (remember that in WebDAV, the MKCOL request, like a PUT for a new resource, is sent with a location that specifies the desired new resource location, not the location of the parent object).

NullResource.MKCOL() handles the valid case where a MKCOL request has been sent to a new resource. After checking that the resource does not already exist, that the parent is indeed a collection (folderish item), and that the parent is not locked, it calls the MKCOL_handler() method on the parent folder.

In Dexterity, MKCOL()_handler is overridden to adapt self to an IDirectoryFactory from zope.filerepresentation and use this to create a directory. The default implementation simply calls manage_addFolder() on the parent. This will create an instance of the Folder type.


A COPY request is used to copy a resource.

Resource.COPY() implements this operation using the standard Zope content object copy semantics.


A MOVE request is used to relocate or rename a resource.

Resource.MOVE() implements this operation using the standard Zope content object move semantics.


A LOCK request is used to lock a content object.

All relevant WebDAV methods in the webdav package are lock aware. That is, they check for locks before attempting any operation that would violate a lock.

Also note that plone.locking uses the lock implementation from the webdav package by default.

Resource.LOCK() implements locking and lock refresh support.

NullResource.LOCK() implements locking on a NullResource. In effect, this means locking the name of the non-existent resource. When a NullResource is locked, it is temporarily turned into a LockNullResource object, which is a persistent object set onto the parent (remember that a NullResource is a transient object returned when a child object cannot be found in a WebDAV request).


An UNLOCK request is used to unlock a locked object.

Resource.UNLOCK() handles unlock requests.

LockNullResource.UNLOCK() handles unlocking of a LockNullResource. This deletes the LockNullResource object from the parent container.

Fields on container objects

When browsing content via WebDAV, a container object (folderish item) will appear as a folder. Most likely, this object will also have content in the form of schema fields. To make this accessible, Dexterity containers expose a pseudo-file with the name '_data', by injecting this into the return value of listDAVObjects() and adding a special traversal hook to allow its contents to be retrieved.

This pseudo-file supports HEAD, GET, PUT, LOCK, UNLOCK, PROPFIND and PROPPATCH requests (an error will be raised if the user attempts to rename, copy, move or delete it). These operate on the container object, obviously. For example, when the data object is updated via a PUT request, the PUT() method on the container is called, by default delegating to an IRawWriteFile adapter on the container.