Members as content


The Products.membrane and Products.remember add-ons provide member management where members are represented by Plone content items. The member-as-content paradigm makes member management radically flexible: members can be in different folders, have different workflows and states and different profile fields.

It is also possible to use this approach with dexterity; for that, use the dexterity.membrane add-on.


remember (small r) and membrane are framework add-on products for Plone which allows you to manipulate site members as normal content objects. The product also allows distributed user management and different user classes.

  • Products.membrane provides a framework for integrating acl_users, which manages access rights, with content-like members and tasks like login.
  • Products.remember is a basic implementation of this with two different user workflows and a normal user schema.
  • dexterity.membrane is a port of Products.membrane to the dexterity framework.


  • Read the membrane tutorial.
  • See the example code Products.membrane.example.
  • Read the documents at Products.remember/docs/tutorial.
  • See the Weblion FacultyStaffDirectory product, which is a sophisticated implementation of the framework.
  • It is recommended to enable debug-level logging output for membrane related unit tests, as PlonePAS code swallows several exceptions and does not output them unless debug level is activated.

Getting member by username


from Products.CMFCore.utils  import getToolByName

membrane = getToolByName(context, "membrane_tool")

# getUserAuthProvider returns None if there is no membrane-based user
# match for username
# e.g. this will return None for Zope admin user
sits_user = membrane.getUserAuthProvider(username)
return sits_user

Getting Plone member from MembraneUser or owner record

Below is an example of how to resolve member content object from MembraneUser record "owner" who is user "local_user":

(Pdb) mbtool = self.portal.membrane_tool
(Pdb) owner
<MembraneUser 'local_user'>
(Pdb) mbtool.getUserAuthProvider(owner.getId())
<SitsLocalUser at /plone/country/hospital/local_users/local_user

Creating a member

The following snippet works in unit tests:

mem_password = 'secret'

def_mem_data = {
    'email': '',
    'password': mem_password,
    'confirm_password': mem_password,

mem_data = {
          'fullname': 'Portal Member',
          'mail_me': True,
          'roles': ['Manager', 'Member']

mdata = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_memberdata')

mdata.invokeFactory("MyUserPortalType", name)
member = getattr(mdata, name) #

Populating member fields automatically

Use the following unit test snippet:

def populateUser(self, member):
    """ Auto-populate member object required fields based on Archetypes schema.

    @param member: Membrane member content object

    from Products.SitsHospital.content.SitsUser import SitsUser

    schema = SitsUser.schema

    data = {}

    for f in schema._fields.values():

        if not f.required:

        if f.__name__ in [ "password", "id" ]:
            # Do not set password or member id

        # Autofill member field values
        if f.vocabulary:
            value = f.vocabulary[0][0]
        elif f.__name__ in [ "email" ]:
            value = ""
            value = "foo"

        # print "filling in field:" + str(f)

        data[f.__name__] = value


Checking member validity

The following snippet is useful for unit testing:

def assertValidMember(self, member):
    """ Emulate Products.remember.content.member validation behavior with verbose output.

    errors = {}
    # make sure object has required data and metadata
    member.Schema().validate(member, None, errors, 1, 1)
    if errors:
        raise AssertionError("Member contained errors:" + str(errors))

Setting user password

Passwords are stored hashed and can be set using the BaseMember._setPassword() method.

_setPassword() takes the password as a plain-text argument and hashes it before storing:


You may also use the portal_registrations tool. This method is security-checked and may be used from ZMI scripts:

rtool = context.portal_registration
rtool.editMember(id, properties={}, password="secret")

Use getToolByName rather than acquiring the tool from context if you're doing this in a browser view.

Accessing hashed password

Use the password attribute directly:

hashed = user_object.password

The password hash should be a unicode string.


By default, Products.remember uses the HMACHash hasher. As a salt, the str(context) string is used. This means that it is not possible to move hashed password from one context item to another. For more information, see the Products.remember.content.password_hashers module.

Moving members

Moving members is not straightforward, as by default member password is hashed with the member location.

  • Members need to reregister their password after being moved from one folder to another.

Here is a complex function to perform moving by recreating the user and deleting the old object:

import logging

from Products.CMFCore.utils  import getToolByName
from Products.Archetypes import public as atapi

from Products.SitsHospital.interfaces import ISitsUser, ISitsLocalUser, ISitsLocalCoordinatorUser

logger = logging.getLogger("RememberUserCopy")

def createUser(sourceUser, username, targetFolder):
    """ Default example user createor """
    targetFolder.invokeFactory("Member", username)
    return targetFolder[username]

def postProcess(sourceUser, targetUser):
    """ Hook to set-up additional fields which do not have 1:1 mapping in the new and old user objects """

def copyRememberUser(sourceUser, targetFolder, user_constructor=createUser, post_process=postProcess, expected_creation_state="new_private", expected_initialization_state="private"):
    Copies Product.remember based user from one location to another.

    This is useful if you have locally stored members on your site
    (for example one folder per country)
    and you need to move the person from one country to another.

    Member password is hashed against the member object location.
    Thus, the password will be invalid if the physical path of the member object changes.
    All moved members are asked to re-enter their passwords.

    If betahaus.emaillogin is installed we also update its catalog so that
    the email login works after the member has been moved.

    When all the fields in the user schema validate successfully,
    the re-registration email for the new user is automatically send
    (TODO: Not sure whether this is general condition for Products.Remember)

    @param sourceUser: from Products.remember.content.member.Member instance

    @param targetFolder: Any folderish object which can contain Member instances

    @param user_constructor: function(sourceUser, targetFolder) if special user creation is needed

    @param post_process: function(sourceUser, targetUser) for setting up custom fields if there is no 1:1 mapping between fields of the new and old user object. Also you can do workflow mangling here.

    @param expected_creation_state: The workflow state where the new member should be after it has been correctly initialized. In this point update() is not yet called, so Remember automatic registration mechanism should have not been triggered.

    @param expected_initialization_state: The workflow state where the new member should be after it has been correctly initialized. In this point update() is not yet called, so Remember automatic registration mechanism should have not been triggered.

    @return: The newly created national coordinator object.

    # shortcut to the source user
    lc = sourceUser

    # Validate LC user
    errors = {}
    lc.Schema().validate(lc, None, errors, True, True)
    if errors:
        assert not errors, "The source user must be valid before moving. Errors:" + str(errors)

    username = lc.getUserName()

    logger.debug("Copying user:" + username)

    # Make sure that LC username is free
    id = lc.getId()
    parent = lc.aq_parent

    assert lc.cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission(), "No permission"
    assert lc.cb_isMoveable(), "Object problem"

    # We temporarily rename the old object for the duration
    # of the moving so that the id of the member
    # object won't conflict with the newly created target user
    new_id = id + "-old"
    assert type(new_id) != unicode

    parent.manage_renameObject(id, new_id)

    # We need to re-fetch the object handle as it has changed in rename
    lc = parent[new_id]

    # nc = newly crated user
    nc = user_constructor(sourceUser, username, targetFolder)

    # List of field names which we cannot copy
    do_not_copy = ["id"]

    # Duplicate field data from old user object to new one by inspecting the user object schema
    for field in lc.Schema().fields():
        name = field.getName()

        # ComputedFields are handled specially,
        # and UID also
        if not isinstance(field, atapi.ComputedField) and name not in do_not_copy:

            if not field.writeable(nc):
                raise RuntimeError("No permission to copy field value:" + name)

            if name == "password":
                # Note: moving password from one user to another
                # is not possible because password is hashed with
                # the user location in Products.remember.content.password_hashers
                # Insert dummy password which must be reseted
                nc.password = "dummy"
                value = field.getRaw(lc)

                # The schema of new object
                schema = nc.Schema()

                # Check that the old field exists in the new schema
                if name in schema:
                    newfield = schema[name]
                    logger.debug("Copying field " + name + " " + str(value))
                    newfield.set(nc, value)
                    # The old field does not exist on the new object
                    logger.warning("Target does not have field " + name)

    #  Do custom setup for newly created user
    post_process(lc, nc)

    # Validate NC user
    errors = {}
    nc.Schema().validate(nc, None, errors, True, True)
    if errors:
        assert not errors, "Newly created user did not validate:" + str(errors)

    # Assert that the user is not yet log in-able
    workflow = getToolByName(lc, "portal_workflow")
    review_state = workflow.getInfoFor(nc, 'review_state')
    assert review_state == expected_creation_state, "Got review state:" + review_state

    # Remove the old user object
    parent = lc.aq_parent

    ##fore email-catalog removal and without the -old added

    # Trigger workflow state transition to register
    # Mark creation flag to be set


    assert nc.isValid(), "The new NC was not valid after the creation flag was set"

    # This will trigger automatic workflow transition
    # to the registered state

    # Validate NC user once again, just in case markCreationFlag and update did something bad
    errors = {}
    nc.Schema().validate(nc, None, errors, True, True)
    if errors:
        assert not errors, "Got errors:" + str(errors)

    # Check if we have betahaus.emailcatalog extension installed for Plone 3.x
    email_catalog = getToolByName(nc, "email_catalog", default=None)

    if email_catalog is not None:
        # This ensures the member log-in will work in the future
        # as email_catalog does not automatically reflect member changes

    # Not needed - this email is automatically triggered by
    # workflow state change when the all user fields are
    # validated successfully in Schema()

    # Check that we are in active user state - the registeration email should have been send
    review_state = workflow.getInfoFor(nc, 'review_state')
    assert review_state == expected_initialization_state, "Newly created user was not auto-activated for some reason, state:" + review_state

    return nc

Configuring default roles with Dexterity

To configure default roles for Dexterity-based members, you need a class providing the IMembraneUserRoles interface, and to register it as adapter.

Define the class (here, in a file named

from Products.membrane.interfaces import IMembraneUserRoles
from dexterity.membrane.behavior.membraneuser import DxUserObject
from dexterity.membrane.behavior.membraneuser import IMembraneUser
from zope.component import adapter
from zope.interface import implementer

DEFAULT_ROLES = ['Member']

class MyDefaultRoles(DxUserObject):

     def getRolesForPrincipal(self, principal, request=None):
         return DEFAULT_ROLES

And register this class in configure.zcml:
